Hands-on Pandas(11): The apply function

We have already covered most of the fundamentals of working with data using the Pandas library. There is one more topic I'd like to discuss before concluding the series: The Apply function.

In the previous article, we learned how to create subgroups of data using the groupby function. This is quite useful when you want to gain a better understanding of certain subsets of data or perform group aggregations. Today we will add another resource to your toolbox that will let you use those groups for much more.

Apply lets you perform more complex computations on the groups you create, it works like this: The function you provide to apply is called on each of the groups, and the results are concatenated into a single final data structure.

Again, this is much easier to understand with practical examples, so let's get started!

Basic applications of apply

We will use the same table with Pokemon data we used in the last article.

First, let's import pandas and examine the contents of our DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

pdata = pd.read_csv('./sample_data/poke_colors.csv')
Name Color Evolves HP Attack Defense SpAtk SpDef Speed
0 Caterpie Green True 45 30 35 20 20 45
1 Metapod Green True 50 20 55 25 25 30
2 Scyther Green False 70 110 80 55 80 105
3 Bulbasaur Green True 45 49 49 65 65 45
4 Dratini Blue True 41 64 45 50 50 50
5 Squirtle Blue True 44 48 65 50 64 43
6 Poliwag Blue True 40 50 40 40 40 90
7 Poliwhirl Blue True 65 65 65 50 50 90
8 Charmander Red True 39 52 43 60 50 65
9 Magmar Red False 65 95 57 100 85 93
10 Paras Red True 35 70 55 45 55 25
11 Parasect Red False 60 95 80 60 80 30
12 Pikachu Yellow True 35 55 40 50 50 90
13 Abra Yellow True 25 20 15 105 55 90
14 Psyduck Yellow True 50 52 48 65 50 55
15 Kadabra Yellow True 40 35 30 120 70 10

Apply's most important argument is a function. This function will be run on every group of data and the results will be concatenated in a final data structure. We will create a simple function that returns the two Pokemon with the highest attack value, something like this:

# Two pokes with the highest attack

def highest_attack(data_frame):
    # Remember how [] works, this selects the last two (highest) Attack entries after sorting
    return data_frame.sort_values(by='Attack')[-2:]

# Let's test it on the complete dataframe
Name Color Evolves HP Attack Defense SpAtk SpDef Speed
11 Parasect Red False 60 95 80 60 80 30
2 Scyther Green False 70 110 80 55 80 105

Now let's see how to use apply to do something a bit more interesting. We want to find the two pokemon with the highest attack value on a by-color basis. For doing this, we will group them by Color and then pass highest_attack to apply, something like this:

# Now, let's find which are the two pokemon with the highest attack on each color group:
Name Color Evolves HP Attack Defense SpAtk SpDef Speed
Blue 4 Dratini Blue True 41 64 45 50 50 50
7 Poliwhirl Blue True 65 65 65 50 50 90
Green 3 Bulbasaur Green True 45 49 49 65 65 45
2 Scyther Green False 70 110 80 55 80 105
Red 9 Magmar Red False 65 95 57 100 85 93
11 Parasect Red False 60 95 80 60 80 30
Yellow 14 Psyduck Yellow True 50 52 48 65 50 55
12 Pikachu Yellow True 35 55 40 50 50 90

Notice how the final table is the result of concatenating together the results of running highest_attack on every group!

Functions with extra arguments

The functions you pass to the apply method can receive additional arguments. Let's create another version of our function, this time called highest_attribute, that lets you specify the attribute to take into consideration and the n highest pokemon you want to select from each group:

# We set the default attribute as HP and the default n to 2
def highest_attribute(data_frame, attribute='HP', n=2):
    return data_frame.sort_values(by=attribute)[-n:]

pdata.groupby('Color').apply(highest_attribute, 'Defense', 3)
Name Color Evolves HP Attack Defense SpAtk SpDef Speed
Blue 4 Dratini Blue True 41 64 45 50 50 50
5 Squirtle Blue True 44 48 65 50 64 43
7 Poliwhirl Blue True 65 65 65 50 50 90
Green 3 Bulbasaur Green True 45 49 49 65 65 45
1 Metapod Green True 50 20 55 25 25 30
2 Scyther Green False 70 110 80 55 80 105
Red 10 Paras Red True 35 70 55 45 55 25
9 Magmar Red False 65 95 57 100 85 93
11 Parasect Red False 60 95 80 60 80 30
Yellow 15 Kadabra Yellow True 40 35 30 120 70 10
12 Pikachu Yellow True 35 55 40 50 50 90
14 Psyduck Yellow True 50 52 48 65 50 55

Notice how the additional parameters are passed to the apply function, not to sort_values itself. Internally, apply makes sure that the right parameters are passed to whatever function it's applying.

Using lambdas as an argument for apply

As a final note, sometimes you won't want to write a complete function definition if what you want to accomplish is very simple. In this case, you can pass a lambda function. In our next example we will use this approach to select from each group the pokemon whose name appears first in alphabetical ordering in each group:

pdata.groupby('Color').apply(lambda df: df.sort_values('Name').head(1) )
Name Color Evolves HP Attack Defense SpAtk SpDef Speed
Blue 4 Dratini Blue True 41 64 45 50 50 50
Green 3 Bulbasaur Green True 45 49 49 65 65 45
Red 8 Charmander Red True 39 52 43 60 50 65
Yellow 13 Abra Yellow True 25 20 15 105 55 90

Practice makes perfect

Apply is an incredibly flexible function that, if used in creative ways, lets you solve a huge variety of problems in data manipulation and transformation. This article exposed you to the basic concepts of the function, but make sure to study it further and experiment with real datasets.

As a closing remark, I'd like to share a quotation from the book Python For Data Analysis (2nd), in which this series is largely based on:

Beyond these basic usage mechanics, getting the most out of apply
may require some creativity. What occurs inside the function
passed is up to you; it only needs to return a pandas object or a
scalar value. The rest of this chapter will mainly consist of examples
showing you how to solve various problems using groupby

That's all the Pandas I can share, for now

With this article, we conclude our Hands-on Pandas series. It's been a lot of fun to write, and I really hope you learned one or two interesting things along the way.

Pandas, like every other software tool or skill, requires a good amount of practice before it becomes truly useful. Don't worry if you don't immediately know how to tackle a dataset or which function to call, with experience and continued exposure it will become second nature.

If you need help, remember that Pandas has some of the best docs around and a huge, helpful community that will guide you into finding a solution. I wish you a happy and productive learning process!

Thank you for reading!

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